Version Change ======== ====== 100B190 unpad extra spaces off fields on save. 100B189 Made error email messages better. 100B188 Adds tinyup/tiny down moves to tune menu. For diagnostic use. WARNING: does not stop at door up. Use at your own risk. 100B187 Fixes email message when door is stuck going down. 100B184 Fixes bug where button press would not work twice in one min. 100B183 Fixes manual relay buttons not updating on web page. 100B182 Move sleeping message to avoid OLED burnin. 100B181 Lockup in sleep mode fixed. Sleep adjusted to go only to 80mhz. 100B180 Added battery mode. If upgrading to this version, battery mode will be ON. 100B179 faster clock, more memory free. Fixed crash switching to SSL via menu 100B178 Added current monitor status. made navigation of screens better. 100B177 Better wifi 100B176 /update bug fixed when connected to internal AP 100B175 main setup will not save if password do not match. 100B174 removed unused web page. Increased free memory. 100B173 fixed internal wifi channel being set incorrectly. 100B172 added SSL (slow, but works). Now reports if new version is available 100B171 Added link to online manual 100B170 Screensaver wakes up quicker on button press. 100B169 Fixed bug with web page for turning on/off LEDs 100B168 Added screensaver. Fixed wifi auto turning on when wifi was set to be off. 100B167 Now responds to reboot commands from app. 100B166 Send mac address to app now. Use new App. You will need to re-enter username and password on app. 100B165 Username and Password are transmitted using AES encryption. Needs 1.0b4 app or greater. 100B164 Mac address is listed under static info. 100B163 Made save settings buttons larger. 100B162 Adds aes code. Adds password reset on menu.